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Rob Verbeek (Chair)

As Chair, Rob is the first representative of the association. He is responsible for ensuring the board works effectively and as a team, and he chairs our board meetings as well as General Assemblies.

Melissa Petrasch (Secretary)

As Secretary, Melissa is responsible for a range of administrative tasks such as member administration, taking minutes of board meetings and General Assemblies, and keeping the board’s calendar and task lists updated. Besides, she coordinates the monthly newsletter.

Auke Elfrink (Treasurer)

As Treasurer, Auke is responsible for the financial administration of the association. He works closely with the Finance Committee.

Olaf Jansen (External Relations)

As UCT liaison and Atlantis liaison, Olaf will make our external contact more consistent.

Marloes Vaessen (Events Coordinator)

As Event cCoordinator Marloes, is responsible for organising 3 major events: The New Year's drink, the Alumni Talks and the Alumni Day.

Jan Fridtjof Otto (Media Manager)

As Media Manager, Fridtjof is responsible for the Instagram & LinkedIn account of the association. Additionally, Fridtjof is involved in the Website Committee.